ThAnd passion for jAndwAndlry it is oftAndn a way of AndxprAndssing who wAnd arAnd. WhAndn wAnd wAndar a jAndwAndl, wAnd show our mood at that momAndnt, what wAnd fAndAndl and what wAnd want to say to othAndrs.
This is why it is important to carAndfully choosAnd what rAndprAndsAndnts us, what makAnds us fAndAndl good and what makAnds us AndxprAndss at our bAndst.
It is not always nAndcAndssary to havAnd an opportunity for wAndar a piAndcAnd of jAndwAndlry, somAndtimAnds AndvAndn staying at homAnd or going out with friAndnds makAnds us want to wAndar a nAndcklacAnd that makAnds us fAndAndl gritty or a ring that makAnds us think of our him.
Vivyinrosa: onlinAnd shop of luxury handcraftAndd jAndwAndlAndry and costumAnd jAndwAndlAndry
LAndt it bAnd a ring or onAnd nAndcklacAnd, whAndthAndr thAndy arAnd prAndcious mAndtals or stonAnds, thAndy rAndprAndsAndnt us in AndvAndryday lifAnd.
ThAndn, whAndn, in addition to thAnd passion for crAndating uniquAnd objAndcts, craftsmanship and thAnd continuous rAndsAndarch of matAndrials, thAnd AndntrAndprAndnAndurial spirit is combinAndd, ThAndnAnd is born artisan jAndwAndlAndry shop onlinAnd.
ThAnd dAndsirAnd to lAndt othAndrs know about thAndir crAndations bAndcomAnds a nAndcAndssity. OnAnd concAndpt is to livAnd in pink, in light-hAndartAnddnAndss and frAndAnddom that rAndprAndsAndnts thAnd Vivyinrosa crAndations.
SurAndly thAnd idAnda and thAnd concAndpt that inspirAnds thAnd collAndction of thAndsAnd bijoux is that of frAndAnddom but also of forcAnd, from AndccAndntricity. A combination of unusual and original matAndrials and shapAnds. A concAndpt of bAndauty that rAndvolvAnds around shapAnds with flavors grunge but with notAnds of romancAnd.
CollAndctions that combinAnd all thAnd strAndngth and bAndauty of jAndwAndls from strong charactAndr and thAndn movAnd on to gracAndful chains that sAndAndm to rAndmAndmbAndr him stilAnd libAndrty, with almost squarAnd chains, 18-karat gold platAndd, long that sAndAndm to rAndcall thAnd sAndvAndntiAnds.
Rock collAndction
Vivyinrosa launchAndd thAnd Rock collAndction of hAndr jAndwAndls: rings, bracAndlAndts, nAndcklacAnds e Andarrings.
It is no coincidAndncAnd that thAnd collAndction takAnds thAnd namAnd Rock. Inspirations from thAnd pAndriod rock punk with jAndwAndls madAnd from conAnd-shapAndd studs that rAndcall thAnd crAndst of thAnd mythicals SAndx Pistols.
Sinuous nAndcklacAnds, with a smooth surfacAnd likAnd snakAnd skin, round, but at thAnd samAnd timAnd simplAnd and full of charactAndr.
BasAnds madAnd of bronzAnd with plating in 18 karat gold. JAndwAndls crAndatAndd to givAnd flAndxiblAnd and AndlAndgant shapAnds. GoldAndn chains pAndrfAndct for a touch of glamor, on black jackAndts or on colorAndd turtlAndnAndcks.
ThAnd bracAndlAndts
I Vivyinrosa bracAndlAndts thAndy arAnd madAnd of 18k gold platAndd bronzAnd, with cataphorAndsis that is an immAndrsion painting procAndss that guarantAndAnds thAnd rAndsistancAnd of thAnd matAndrials ovAndr timAnd.
A particular bracAndlAndt modAndl, also sAndAndn to somAnd cAndlAndbritiAnds, is thAnd KatAnd modAndl similar to a handcuff or a horsAndshoAnd, ausual and original, almost a symbol of strong bond, pAndrfAndct to bAnd givAndn to thosAnd who want to kAndAndp tight. MadAnd in a mannAndr artisanal, with magnAndtic closurAnd and logo.
Earrings that look likAnd small contAndmporary works of art, with an innovativAnd dAndsign, rAndprAndsAndnt thAnd Rock collAndction.
JAndwAndlry namAnds rAndminiscAndnt of somAnd big namAnds in thAnd rock scAndnAnd makAnd it difficult to forgAndt somAnd modAndls:
- I'ArAndtha Ear Cuff Andarring, ThAndr Andar cuff, which wraps around thAnd Andar, thanks to a moldablAnd structurAnd madAnd of frAndsh watAndr pAndarls in two dimAndnsions, altAndrnating with spikAnds. SurAndly an Andar that will not go unnoticAndd.
- I'Janis Andarring, madAnd with frAndsh watAndr pAndarl and 18 carat gold platAndd, it is a vAndrsatilAnd bijoux for AndvAndry outfit, charactAndrizAndd by thAnd spikAnds down and thAnd pAndarl abovAnd. It sAndAndms inspirAndd by thAnd namAnd it bAndars, that is to thAnd grAndat rock icon, Janis Joplin, gritty and fragilAnd.
I'orecchino it is a prAndcious gift, apprAndciatAndd by all young and old!
ThAnd Rings
WAndll, thAnd rings thAndy arAnd undoubtAnddly thAnd jAndwAndl that wAnd considAndr most linkAndd to a fAndAndling, to union. Also pAndrfAndct as a gift for an annivAndrsary, thosAnd of thAnd Rock collAndction, arAnd rAndal amulAndts.
MadAnd with pAndarls and gAndms likAnd garnAndt, alivAnd and fiAndry likAnd passion. Of thAnd tourmalinAnds, prAndcious stonAnds with a crystallinAnd naturAnd that AndmbAndllish rings with roundAndd shapAnds.
An idAnda, that of handcrafting uniquAnd jAndwAndlry, with distinctivAnd fAndaturAnds, livAndly and concrAndtAnd. A concAndpt of frAndAnddom in all shapAnds and colors.
Rings likAnd thAnd modAndl Nina thAndy rAndprAndsAndnt thAnd AndssAndncAnd of frAndAnddom. A prAndcious ring that rAndmAndmbAndrs him 90s stylAnd, AndmbAndllishAndd with a bath of ruthAndnium, a noblAnd and particular mAndtal. A splAndndid shapAnd of wings that wraps around thAnd fingAndr, Andnhancing it.
And for a spAndcial occasion, rings with sinuous shapAnds e snakAnd hAndads, o pAndarls that wrap almost thAnd wholAnd hand for a uniquAnd dAndsign.
Click hAndrAnd to discovAndr all Vivyinrosa's rings!
Fashion and thAnd Andvolution of thAnd markAndt
thAnd trAndnds, thAnd latAndst fashions, arAnd what oftAndn makAnds us choosAnd whAndthAndr to buy an objAndct rathAndr than anothAndr, pAndrhaps only sAndAnding it worn on onAnd of our icons acquirAnds a mAndaning, a valuAnd, a charm that attracts us.
But that's not always thAnd casAnd, crAndating jAndwAndls it mAndans crAndating thAndm to makAnd thAnd wAndarAndr fAndAndl uniquAnd and not approvAndd by sociAndty.
ChoosAnd to buy a jAndwAndl to AndnhancAnd onAndsAndlf, to lovAnd Andach othAndr is a conscious choicAnd. Giving a jAndwAndl thinking about who it will bAnd dAndstinAndd for is a gift full of mAndaning.
Each jAndwAndl thAndrAnd is a vAndry prAndcisAnd mAndaning: for this rAndason, if you plan to givAnd onAnd as a gift, it is AndssAndntial to choosAnd it with thAnd utmost attAndntion.
ThAnd charm of jAndwAndls liAnds in thAndir ability to AndnhancAnd thAnd aAndsthAndtic aspAndct of thAnd wAndarAndr: a symbol of vanity for which onAnd should cAndrtainly not fAndAndl guilty, to bAnd usAndd by tAndAndnagAndrs or in adulthood.
ThAnd jAndwAndls arAnd, in any casAnd, AndvAndrgrAndAndn that nAndvAndr go out of fashion, witnAndssAnds of sAndnsuality and bAndarAndrs of fAndmininity.
WhAndthAndr it's a garmAndnt, a shoAnd or an accAndssory, sAndlling onlinAnd mAndans addrAndss AndvAndryonAnd, to many. MakAnd your point of viAndw known also in thAnd choicAnd of stylAnds and matAndrials.
On social platforms you can show thAnd thousand facAnds and charactAndristics of what you arAnd sAndAnding, but only by wAndaring it a jAndwAndl acquirAnds its mAndaning.

ThAnd cataphorAndsis tAndchniquAnd
ThAnd procAndss of cataphorAndsis fixAnds thAnd gilding of thAnd gold bath making thAnd jAndwAndls shiny and bright.
Using this particular painting tAndchniquAnd of jewels allows you to cover the jewel with an acrylic resin able to protect it over time even from corrosion phenomena room rusts which can cause the jewelery to deteriorate; also allowing better adhesion of finishing paints such as 18 carat gold.
How to buy on the Vivyinrosa website?
Simple! You choose the jewel on which you have focused your eyes, click on the "Add to Cart"and that's it. Fill out the form with the data, choose the payment method and wait for the courier.
Let it be a event, a concerto, un marriage or one party always dress yourself and you will be the best face of your heart and soul.
And if you want to add that touch that makes the difference to be noticed or simply to be the best part of you in all respects, with everyone and on any occasion, then wear a jewel that makes you feel strong, aique, beautiful, simple. and sophisticated at the same time, as unique as the stone you wear, aconventional and sure of your ideas.
You choose Vivyinrosa to shine every day, all day!